Chemcon IPO - Peer Comparison

Peers Comparison

This infographic will help you to understand the position of Chemcon as compared to its peers. If you check out the infographic carefully, you will notice the following things:

1) If we analyze the Revenue bar graph, Chemcon is in the second position as far as the Revenue growth is concerned. Its revenue grows at 29% CAGR vs Neogen whose revenue grows at 38% CAGR. Vinati Organics is at the 3rd position whose revenue CAGR is at 19% which is pretty lower than Chemcon.

2) If we analyze the PAT CAGR line chart, we can understand that Chemcon is placed in the 4th position. The 1st three places are occupied by Neogen, Atul Ltd., and Vinati Organics respectively.

However, you might have understood in the Youtube video that in spite of having such good growth in Revenue and PAT as compared to its peers, its PE multiple is very low. Thus, its valuation looks pretty reasonable!

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