Bretton Woods Agreement

access_time 2023-04-08T11:56:24.846Z face CA Rachana Ranade
THE BRETTON WOODS AGREEMENT, 1944 It said, “”, is it? The economic devastation caused by the Great Depression in the 1930s left many countries struggling with high unemployment rates, poverty, and political instability. Many countries, including the United States, implemented protectionist trade pol...

Is USD dying ?

access_time 2023-04-05T12:04:56.372Z face CA Rachana Ranade
End of the US Dollar? Yesterday, Donald Trump who served as the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, said that “Dollar is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard”. This statement sparked speculation and concern about the future of USD & global trade. Firstly, it's importa...

What are Credit Default Swap ?

access_time 2023-03-18T11:41:48.01Z face CA Rachana Ranade
What are Credit Default Swap ? A credit default swap (CDS) is a financial contract between two parties in which one party (the protection buyer) pays a periodic fee to the other party (the protection seller) in exchange for protection against the risk of default by a third party (the reference entit...

The Indian Wedding Industry

access_time 2023-01-06T11:50:16.685Z face CA Rachana Ranade
The Indian Wedding Industry The Indian wedding industry made almost 3.75lakh crores in November and December 2022 across 32 lakhs weddings and that’s more than the auto market in India. The industry is the fourth biggest industry but is still so underdeveloped and unorganized. Since a few years ago,...

International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees

access_time 2022-12-24T08:47:22.402Z face CA Rachana Ranade
International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees The RBI established the rupee trade settlement mechanism in July 2022. The Mechanism is a way to do international business using rupees rather than dollars or other major currencies, with a focus on Indian exports, in order to foster the growing intere...