Types of Futures Contracts | Stock Market

access_time 2021-11-19T12:03:03.731Z face CA Rachana Ranade
Types of Futures Contracts Till now we have learnt about what are derivatives, what are the types of derivatives and what are futures. Let’s revise it quickly. A derivative instrument is a contract between a buyer and a seller based on their views about an underlying assets’ future price movement. A...

What are Futures?

access_time 2021-09-15T12:28:19.662Z face CA Rachana Ranade
What are Futures? Mirror mirror on the wall, will Nifty jump or have a great fall? If only we had such a mirror that could tell us where a stock or market is headed! But only 2 people can tell where the market is headed. One is God and the other is a liar. We can only build predictions in this regar...

Types of Derivatives

access_time 2021-08-20T11:23:06.181Z face CA Rachana Ranade
Types of Derivatives We all have observed “the new normal” during this pandemic. Hand sanitisers have now become one of the irreplaceable items in our bags. Why is that? Because these sanitisers can effectively kill germs and viruses and reduce our chances of getting infected. This practice has beco...

What are Derivatives?

access_time 2021-08-13T11:22:17.503Z face CA Rachana Ranade
What are Derivatives? Just imagine, how amazing it would be if we could predict the future. Hold this thought and imagine further how amazing it would be if we could predict the future prices of various financial assets and make money out of them. I am sure my last statement might have created some ...