How did India's top 5 banks recovered Post Lockdown

access_time 2020-07-18T20:50:10.729Z face CA Rachana Ranade
How did India's top 5 banks recover Post Lockdown Post lockdown Recovery trend of top 5 banks History and Comparison: In the last 2 decades, the global economy faced 2 major crises which had a severe impact on the capital market. One was in 2008, The most severe financial crisis since the great depr...

Reliance Jio Investments and Tentative Effect on the Share Price

access_time 1594124820000 face CA Rachana Ranade
Reliance Jio Investments and Tentative Effect on the Share Price Strategic alliances and importance in the company’s activity: The strategic alliance between two organizations includes co-operation in business activities with the purpose of benefiting with the strengths of each other and gaining a c...

Investment Comparison

access_time 1593438180000 face CA Rachana Ranade
Investment Comparison 2000-2020 How to select a better investment option? Why not consider on the basis of the last 20 year's return trend reflected through 4 investment options. Well, So if you had invested Rs. 1 Lakh in 2000 - in FD which is the general investment option chosen by almost every ind...